6 December 2020
Series: Come Let Us Adore Him
Speaker: Pete McVey
This week we started our Advent teaching series where we’re looking to take some time to think upon the words of those who celebrated Jesus’s birth.
Like the title suggests, we want to give ourselves the time this advent to come, look and delight in Jesus.
Pete spoke this morning on Mary’s Song that we find in Luke 1:39-56
29 November 2020
Series: Identity
Speaker: Sam Morris
In our ‘Identity’ series we are spending 9 weeks exploring who we are in Christ.
This morning Sam brought our series to a close as we spent some time in 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 as we looked at the truth that in Jesus we are ministers of reconciliation for God.
22 November 2020
Series: Identity
Speaker: Lou Funnell
In our ‘Identity’ series we are spending 9 weeks exploring who we are in Christ.
In the penultimate week of this series, Lou spoke on Ephesians 2:1-10 as we explored the following truth: In Christ we are His workmanship created for good works.
15 November 2020
Series: Identity
Speaker: Pete McVey
In our ‘Identity’ series we are spending 9 weeks exploring who we are in Christ.
We’ve now started looking at three truths that come under the ‘Significant’ banner. Pete was speaking today on 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 as we considered how in Jesus we are God’s temple.
8 November 2020
Series: Identity
Speaker: Sam Morris
In our ‘Identity’ series we are spending 9 weeks exploring who we are in Christ.
This week Sam was speaking on 2 Timothy 1:1-18 as we spent time exploring the truth that in Jesus we have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love and self control.
1 November 2020
Series: Identity
Speaker: Mike Taylor
In our ‘Identity’ series we are spending 9 weeks exploring who we are in Christ.
This Sunday we were based in Romans 8 as Mike spoke about how we are secure in the truth that in Jesus we are assured that God works for our good in all circumstances.
25 October 2020
Series: Identity
Speaker: Pete McVey
In our ‘Identity’ series we are spending 9 weeks exploring who we are in Christ.
This Sunday Pete was speaking from Philippians 1 as we considered what it looks like to be secure in the truth that God will complete the good work He started in us.
18 October 2020
Series: Identity
Speaker: Mike Taylor
In our ‘Identity’ series we are spending 9 weeks exploring who we are in Christ.
This week we were based in 1 John chapter 3 as Mike spoke on how in Jesus we are children of God.
11 October 2020
Series: Identity
Speaker: Sam Morris
In our ‘Identity’ series we are spending 9 weeks exploring who we are in Christ.
This Sunday Sam took us back to Colossians 1:13-14 as we considered what it means for us to be redeemed.