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  • 16 February 2020

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    This is a teaching series on the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatian Churches and it’s packed full of the truth of the gospel; the good news.

    As Sam opened our series today we look at the reasons why Paul felt the urgent need to write this letter before spending some time in the opening verses. It doesn’t take Paul long to get to the point of why he’s writing!

  • 2 February 2020

    Series: Deeper

    Speaker: Pete McVey

    We begin the new year with a new series, considering how we can go deeper in our relationship with Jesus, with other believers and with the world around us. We will spend the next 5 weeks looking at the following areas: Live, Love, Look, Listen, Learn.

    Pete drew our series to a close this morning by looking at Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 11:25-30. An invitation to learn, an invitation to find rest.

  • 26 January 2020

    Series: Deeper

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    We begin the new year with a new series, considering how we can go deeper in our relationship with Jesus, with other believers and with the world around us. We will spend the next 5 weeks looking at the following areas: Live, Love, Look, Listen, Learn.

    We’re up to ‘L’ number four as this Sunday we were focusing on ‘LISTEN’. Sam spoke on James 1:19-27, as we consider the importance of listening well and the call to not just be those who listen to the word but be doers of the word too.

  • 19 January 2020

    Series: Deeper

    Speaker: Mike Taylor

    We begin the new year with a new series, considering how we can go deeper in our relationship with Jesus, with other believers and with the world around us. We will spend the next 5 weeks looking at the following areas: Live, Love, Look, Listen, Learn.

    This morning we were back in Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi as Mike spoke on Philippians chapter 2. Why and how do we look not only to our own interests but also to the interests of others?

  • 12 January 2020

    Series: Deeper

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    We begin the new year with a new series, considering how we can go deeper in our relationship with Jesus, with other believers and with the world around us. We will spend the next 5 weeks looking at the following areas: Live, Love, Look, Listen, Learn.

    This morning, Sam spoke on Jesus’ response in Matthew 22, having been asked what is the greatest commandment.

  • 5 January 2020

    Series: Deeper

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    We begin the new year with a new series, considering how we can go deeper in our relationship with Jesus, with other believers and with the world around us. We will spend the next 5 weeks looking at the following areas: Live, Love, Look, Listen, Learn.

    First up is ‘Live’ as Sam opens up Paul’s letter to the Philippians at chapter one where we find the following words of Paul; ‘For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.’

  • 29 December 2019

    Series: Abide

    Speaker: Mike Taylor

    In our current sermon series we are going to be exploring Jesus’ words to His disciples in John 15:1-17. Over the next 4 weeks we will teach into what Jesus said about abiding, fruitfulness, prayer, obedience and love.

    Mike brought our series to a close by focusing on verses 12-12, as Jesus commands His followers to love one another.

  • 8 December 2019

    Series: Standalone

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    How do we handle the parts of the Bible where we’re presented with what looks like a list of names? It can be tempting to skip over them but as we explored Romans 16 this morning we see just how rich these verses are.

  • 1 December 2019

    Series: Abide

    Speaker: Pete McVey

    In our current sermon series we are going to be exploring Jesus’ words to His disciples in John 15:1-17. Over the next 4 weeks we will teach into what Jesus said about abiding, fruitfulness, prayer, obedience and love.

    This morning Pete was speaking on John 15:7-11, looking at what it means to abide in Jesus’ love and for His words to abide in us.

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Where We Meet

Gatefield Hall
The Alexander Centre
Preston Street

T: +216 01795 597538