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  • 15 September 2019

    Series: CORE

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    In our current series we are going to be exploring the core values of the Relational Mission family of churches, and considering what it looks like for us as a Church to be shaped by them.

    Sam continued our series this morning, basing ourselves in Titus 3 as we consider the centrality of the gospel and the message of grace to the Christian life and the local church.

  • 8 September 2019

    Series: CORE

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    In our current series we are going to be exploring the core values of the Relational Mission family of churches, and considering what it looks like for us as a Church to be shaped by them.

    The series started this morning as Sam spoke on us being Word-Based, rooting this value in 2 Timothy chapters 3 and 4.

  • 21 July 2019

    Series: None Like Him

    Speaker: Gordon Watson

    Based on Jen Wilkin’s excellent book, ‘None Like Him’, this series explores 10 ways God is different from us and why that’s a good thing. Today sees the conclusion to this series and we were thrilled to have Gordon Watson from Hope Church Sittingbourne with us for the morning. Gordon was asking us, ‘Who sits on the throne of your heart?’ as he spoke on God being sovereign.

    Based on None Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different from Us (and Why That’s a Good Thing) by Jennifer Wilkin. © 2016 Published and Used by Permission of Crossway.

  • 14 July 2019

    Series: None Like Him

    Speaker: Lou Funnell

    Based on Jen Wilkin’s excellent book, ‘None Like Him’, this series explores 10 ways God is different from us and why that’s a good thing. This morning Lou was speaking on God being omnipotent; the God of infinite power.

    Based on None Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different from Us (and Why That’s a Good Thing) by Jennifer Wilkin. © 2016 Published and Used by Permission of Crossway.

  • 7 July 2019

    Series: None Like Him

    Speaker: Matt Spocchia

    Based on Jen Wilkin’s excellent book, ‘None Like Him’, this series explores 10 ways God is different from us and why that’s a good thing. This morning we welcomed Matt Spocchia from Sheppey Gospel Plant as he spoke on God being omniscient; the God of infinite knowledge.

    Based on None Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different from Us (and Why That’s a Good Thing) by Jennifer Wilkin. © 2016 Published and Used by Permission of Crossway.

  • 23 June 2019

    Series: None Like Him

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    Based on Jen Wilkin’s excellent book, ‘None Like Him’, this series explores 10 ways God is different from us and why that’s a good thing. This morning Sam spoke on God being omnipresent; the God of infinite place.

    Based on None Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different from Us (and Why That’s a Good Thing) by Jennifer Wilkin. © 2016 Published and Used by Permission of Crossway.

  • 16 June 2019

    Series: None Like Him

    Speaker: Mike Taylor

    Based on Jen Wilkin’s excellent book, ‘None Like Him’, this series explores 10 ways God is different from us and why that’s a good thing. This morning Mike spoke on God being immutable; the God of infinite sameness.

    Based on None Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different from Us (and Why That’s a Good Thing) by Jennifer Wilkin. © 2016 Published and Used by Permission of Crossway.

  • 9 June 2019

    Series: Standalone

    Speaker: Sam Morris

    This Sunday we had the joy of holding a baby thanksgiving service as we welcomed two of the newest members of our family. As part of our time together we looked at Ephesians 1:4-6 and considered what it means to be sons and daughters of God.

  • 2 June 2019

    Series: Standalone

    Speaker: Stef Liston

    The Relational Mission Sunday for Swale saw Faversham Community Church, Hope Church Sittingbourne and Sheppey Gospel Plant gather together to worship, enjoy friendship and encourage one another.

    We were very blessed to have Stef Liston with us from Revelation Church, Camden. Stef serves on the Relational Mission team and this morning, based in Ephesians 4, he taught and encouraged us about what it is to be a part of an apostolic family together on mission.

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Gatefield Hall
The Alexander Centre
Preston Street

T: +216 01795 597538