30 September 2018
Series: Assured (1 John)
Speaker: Sam Morris
This week we continued our sermon series, ‘Assured’, based in John’s first letter. This morning Sam was speaking on 1 John 2:28-3:10.
23 September 2018
Series: Assured (1 John)
This week we continued our sermon series, ‘Assured’, based in John’s first letter. This morning Sam was speaking on 1 John 2:18-27.
16 September 2018
Series: Assured (1 John)
Speaker: Mike Taylor
This week we continued our sermon series, ‘Assured’, based in John’s first letter. This morning Mike was speaking on 1 John 2:3-17
9 September 2018
Series: Assured (1 John)
Speaker: Sam Morris
This week we started our new sermon series, ‘Assured’, based in John’s first letter. This morning Sam was speaking on 1 John 1:1-2:2
22 July 2018
Series: Church Matters
Speaker: Luke Morris
As our Church Matters series reaches it’s conclusion, Luke speaks on the commission given to the church. As we head into summer we are reminded that the church is sent!
15 July 2018
Series: Church Matters
Speaker: Pete McVey
8 July 2018
Series: Church Matters
Speaker: Sam Morris
A couple of weeks ago Sam spoke on, ‘You Need the Church’. This week he shared on, ‘Your Church Needs You!
The video he showed was of GB athlete Derek Redmond in the semi-final of the 400m at the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. You can find this online should you want to watch it!
1 July 2018
Series: Church Matters
Speaker: Gordon Watson
This morning Gordon shared with us from Acts 2:42-47 as we looked at the devoted church. This is the latest in our Church Matters series
24 June 2018
Series: Church Matters
Speaker: Sam Morris
Ever asked the question, ‘Why do I need the Church?’ This morning Sam shares about the necessity of the church as he explores our identity and our need.