17 June 2018
Series: Church Matters
Speaker: James Thorneycroft
This morning we continue with our ‘Church Matters’ series. Today, James shares with us about being One in Christ.
10 June 2018
Series: Church Matters
This morning we kick off our new series; ‘Church Matters’. At the outset of this series we turned our attention to the relationship between Jesus and His Church.
27 May 2018
Series: Living Ready (1 Thessalonians)
Speaker: Sam Morris
This morning we continue our series exploring Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonian church. Today we spent our time together looking at Paul’s words in Chapter 4:13-5:11 as he addresses some of the concerns that the Thessalonians had around the coming of Jesus.
20 May 2018
Series: Standalone
Speaker: Pete McVey
On Pentecost Sunday, Pete was speaking on Acts 4:23-31 as we considered the early church gathering together to pray for boldness in making Jesus known.
13 May 2018
Series: Living Ready (1 Thessalonians)
Speaker: Sam Morris
This morning we continue our series exploring Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonian church. This week Sam continues with the second sermon exploring chapter 4 verses 1-12 as Paul instructs the church to be those that live out their faith in the every day.
6 May 2018
Series: Living Ready (1 Thessalonians)
Speaker: Sam Morris
This morning we continue our series exploring Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonian church. This week Sam was speaking on chapter 4 verses 1-12 as Paul instructs the church to be those that live out their faith in the every day.
29 April 2018
Series: Living Ready (1 Thessalonians)
Speaker: Adam Gregory
This morning we continue our series exploring Paul’s letter to the Thessalonian church. This week Adam was speaking on chapter 2:17 – 3:13 as we see Paul’s heart and affection for the Thessalonians.
22 April 2018
Series: Living Ready (1 Thessalonians)
Speaker: Mike Taylor
This morning we continue our series exploring Paul’s letter to the Thessalonian church. This week we are looking at 1 Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1 to 16
16 April 2018
Series: Living Ready (1 Thessalonians)
Speaker: Sam Morris
Through this series we will be exploring Paul’s first letter to the church in Thessalonica. This morning we we looking at chapter 1 verses 4-10 and considering the example the church had in Paul, Silas and Timothy and how in turn they themselves became an example.