16 April 2017
Series: Holy Week
Speaker: Sam Morris
Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as we gather on Easter Sunday. But what if Jesus was not raised from the dead? What then?
9 April 2017
Series: Holy Week
Speaker: Mike Taylor
Our Easter series continues as we journey through Holy Week, this week our thoughts turn to Good Friday.
2 April 2017
Series: Holy Week
Speaker: Mike Taylor
Our Easter series continues as we journey through Holy Week. This Sunday Mike was speaking on Jesus breaking bread with His disciples.
19 March 2017
Series: Holy Week
Speaker: Sam Morris
For our Easter series we are journeying through Holy Week, beginning with Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem.
12 March 2017
Series: Everyday
Speaker: Mike Taylor
Our Everyday series reaches it’s conclusion as we consider the importance of thanksgiving.
5 March 2017
Series: Everyday
Speaker: Paul Johnson
This morning we continued with our series thinking about what it means to be a community of the Spirit. We spent this morning in 2 Timothy 1:1-14 thinking about obedience, faith and mission.
26 February 2017
Series: Everyday
Speaker: Adam Gregory
This morning we continued with our series thinking about what it means to be a community of the Spirit. Today our focus was walking with the Spirit everyday
19 February 2017
Series: Everyday
Speaker: Sam Morris
This morning we continued with our series thinking about what it means to be a community of the Spirit. What can the parable of the Good Samaritan teach us about Everyday Love?
12 February 2017
Series: Everyday
Speaker: Paul Johnson
We are continuing with our series thinking about what it means to be a community of the Spirit. This week, as we consider Everyday Power, Paul kept bringing us back to this: One thing is necessary – a relationship with the living God.