7 May 2017
Series: Joy: The Message of Philippians
Speaker: Paul Johnson
Over the course of our new teaching series we will be exploring the letter that Paul wrote to the believers in Philippi. This morning we are based in Philippians 1:12-26 as Paul shares about how he lived to make Jesus known.
30 April 2017
Series: Joy: The Message of Philippians
Speaker: Mike Taylor
Over the course of our new teaching series we will be exploring the letter that Paul wrote to the believers in Philippi. This morning, Mike introduces the series, setting the letter in context and looking at the reasons for Paul’s joy in Philippians 1:1-11
16 April 2017
Series: Holy Week
Speaker: Sam Morris
Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as we gather on Easter Sunday. But what if Jesus was not raised from the dead? What then?
9 April 2017
Series: Holy Week
Speaker: Mike Taylor
Our Easter series continues as we journey through Holy Week, this week our thoughts turn to Good Friday.
2 April 2017
Series: Holy Week
Speaker: Mike Taylor
Our Easter series continues as we journey through Holy Week. This Sunday Mike was speaking on Jesus breaking bread with His disciples.
19 March 2017
Series: Holy Week
Speaker: Sam Morris
For our Easter series we are journeying through Holy Week, beginning with Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem.
12 March 2017
Series: Everyday
Speaker: Mike Taylor
Our Everyday series reaches it’s conclusion as we consider the importance of thanksgiving.
5 March 2017
Series: Everyday
Speaker: Paul Johnson
This morning we continued with our series thinking about what it means to be a community of the Spirit. We spent this morning in 2 Timothy 1:1-14 thinking about obedience, faith and mission.
26 February 2017
Series: Everyday
Speaker: Adam Gregory
This morning we continued with our series thinking about what it means to be a community of the Spirit. Today our focus was walking with the Spirit everyday